Great Neck Sewer District welcomes town committees and elected officials to facility

Great Neck Sewer District welcomes town committees and elected officials to facility
Great Neck Water Pollution Control District Commissioner Patty Katz, far left, and Plant Supervisor John Keating led the tour showcasing the GNWPCD’s operations to environmental advocates and elected officials, including Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, eighth from left; Town Council Member Veronica Lurvey, ninth from right; and Port Washington Water District Commissioner Mindy Germain, fourth from right.

The Great Neck Water Pollution Control District recently welcomed the Town of North Hempstead Climate Smart Communities Committee and Reach Out America for a tour of its facility. The tour group consisted of approximately 20 environmental advocates and Town elected officials.

“It is always exciting to bring leaders of our community into our facility,” said GNWPCD Commissioner Patty Katz. “Our District’s practices are always evolving, something which becomes apparent when you are able to see them up close. We love to share information on everything that goes on at our plant every day, and it was a privilege to do so with our elected officials and neighbors who are just as passionate about our environment as we are.”

A presentation highlighted recent improvements and the expansions to its operations that allow the District to remain on the forefront of wastewater treatment technology and environmental conservation.

Katz also discussed the ways in which the district’s newest projects help save millions of gallons of drinking water and hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars every year.

“The Great Neck Water Pollution Control District provides an invaluable service to our community, and it was incredible to be given an up close look at everything they do to protect the health of our environment and, in turn, our residents,” said North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena. “The systems the district has in place display a unique commitment to advancing the ways in which sewer districts are able to service their communities, and it is wonderful to see such a dedicated group of people make these tremendous strides in our own backyard.”

Following the presentation, the guests were provided with a firsthand look across the entirety of the GNWPCD plant and everything that goes into treating more than 3 million gallons of wastewater every day.

The GNWPCD provides residents with the most advanced wastewater treatment practices available, and the District is thankful to have been given the opportunity to put them on display for these environmentally-conscious community leaders.

“A tour of the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District facility is truly eye-opening,” said North Hempstead Town Council Member Veronica Lurvey. “As a representative of the Town’s Climate Smart Communities task force, I was impressed with the innovative and sustainable practices in place. Learning about their operations to convert grease into methane, powering turbines to generate electricity, I realized that even a sewer district can play a significant role in reducing our carbon footprint. It’s not just about efficiency; they’ve embraced environmentally friendly practices that should serve as a model for other communities. This experience has reinforced my belief that our commitment to a greener future begins with every small step we take.”


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