London Jewelers delivers meals to health-care worker

London Jewelers delivers meals to health-care worker

London Jewelers has announced its #LondonJewelersCares initiative, delivering meals to the courageous staff at North Shore University Hospital, Glen Cove Hospital, LIJ Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital, and NYU Medical Center.

As the New York region continues its fight against COVID-19, the brave men and women in our area hospitals are leading the charge. Throughout April and May, London Jewelers will donate a portion of proceeds to supply meals from local restaurants to these heroes fighting to keep us all safe.

“We are so grateful to our first responders and hospital staff risking their lives to take care of others,” said Scott Udell, co-vice president and a fourth-generation member of the London Jewelers family. “We thank them for their bravery and hope to bring them whatever comfort we can with a smile and a hot meal.”

The Udell family, who have owned and operated London Jewelers since 1926, made their first deliveries on Monday, bringing trays of hot food to COVID-19 units at several local hospitals. More deliveries are scheduled each week.

“As a small family-owned business, our goal is to treat everyone in our community like family,” explained Randi Udell Alper, London Jewelers’ co-vice president. “We want our healthcare workers to know they’re in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. We are here to show our appreciation and gratitude, and to give back to the communities that have supported London Jewelers for 94 years.”

As an additional show of thanks, London Jewelers is also offering healthcare workers 20 percent off purchases (with some brand exclusions) on

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