Lauri Strauss Bike/Walk for Research to be held Sunday

Lauri Strauss Bike/Walk for Research to be held Sunday
Partipicants in last year's bike/walk. (Courtesy of Evelyn Strauss)

The seventh annual Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation Bike Tour/Walk for Research will be held on Sunday, May 20.

Starting at the train station in Port Washington at 8:30 a.m., the bikers will have the choice of 3 routes: the long route, which is 21 miles; medium, which is 14 miles; and short, which is 3.3 miles.  The short route enables young bikers to participate. The longer routes take the bikers along scenic roads in Port Washington and surrounding towns.

For the non-biker, the BayWalk is a delightful way to exercise while enjoying the beauty and diversity of Port Washington. Walking down Main Street and along the shore of Manhasset Bay with friends and neighbors is a joyful experience for a very good cause. 

The Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation honors the memory of a spirited, delightful young woman who was taken too early in life by leukemia. A Schreiber High School graduate, Strauss was stricken at age 24 and lost to us just seven months later. Her family and friends wanted her energy to live on.

The foundation’s mission is to find the cause and cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, multiple myeloma and allied cancers. A marrow drive will be on site and all it takes is a cheek swab to join the registry. There will be refreshments and raffles. Free t-shirts and raffle tickets will be available for all participants.

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