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Junior firefighters receive community service awards

Jonathan Daniel, second from left and junior firefighter, receiving the New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce Good Citizen/Community Service Award. Chamber members pictured with Daniel are Rich DeMartino, Smitha Lukose-Khan and Cheryl Fajardo. (Photos courtesy of the New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce)

On Aug. 7, members of the New Hyde Park Chamber Benevolence Committee attended a meeting of the New Hyde Park Fire Dept Junior Firefighters, where they gave two firefighters awards.

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Jiya Jadhav, second from left and junior firefighter, receiving the New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce Good Citizen/Community Service Award. Chamber members pictured with Jadhav are Rich DeMartino, Smitha Lukose-Khan and Cheryl Fajardo. (Photos courtesy of the New Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce)

Under the direction of Walter Brooks, senior advisor for the NHPFD Juniors, junior firefighters Jonathan Daniel and Jiya Jadhav each received a $250 Chamber of Commerce Good Citizen/Community Service Award.

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