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History Day at North Shore Middle School

History Day at North Shore Middle School. (Photo courtesy of Shelly Newman)

This December, eighth-graders at North Shore Middle School participated in the third North Shore History Day in four years. It was unfortunately missed last year due to Covid. Teacher Mr. Kevin Dahill said, “This year’s History Day theme was Debate and Diplomacy in History. We had 133 projects from all 8th-grade students ranging all sorts of topics in American History including The Truth About Watergate, When the Berlin Wall Came Down, The ‘Unsinkable’ Titanic, Roe V. Wade, The Cuban Missile Crisis, Jacqueline Kennedy A Worldwide Diplomat, and The March on Washington – just to name a few!”

Students spent several weeks in class reading and researching their self-selected United States history topic connected to the History Day theme. Students then selected a project type to communicate their learning and created exhibits, papers, websites, documentaries and even their own performances to showcase their learning and exceptional talents. Additionally, teachers and administrators throughout the district joined the celebration of learning as judges for the in-house competition. In addition, many remarked at the sophistication of student research and depth of student knowledge.

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Congratulations to all of the students, teachers, judges, and parents that helped make History Day a memorable experience – the breadth of projects, creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills were outstanding!

Article written with assistance from teacher Mr. Kevin Dahill.

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