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Herricks car parades bring students and staff together

Herricks staff members and students have hit the ground running with ways to stay connected during the school closure.

They have shared in the excitement of reuniting from a distance through car parades formed by administrators and teachers.
Center Street held a parade on May 22, while Searingtown and Denton Avenue did so on May 15 and 8, respectively.

Herricks High School staff members made their “honk and hello” rounds through the community’s roads on April 30.

The middle school has a plan underway as the last day of school approaches.

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Principals, assistant principals, and faculty members assembled, in the safety of their vehicles, in their building’s parking lot and formed a line of cars – some of which were decorated with school colors and positive messages.

They were greeted by waving families standing at their doors and on their front lawns. Many of the students held signs expressing their thanks and school spirit.

Submitted by the Herricks Public Schools

Center Street Principal Brennan Bierwiler led the way in a car parade.
(Photos Courtesy of Herricks Public Schools)
Center Street students waved to their teachers and administrators from the sidewalks.
Denton Avenue staff members met in the school lot and drove through the neighborhood to greet students.
Denton Avenue Assistant Principal Beth Rosenman and Principal Loren Borgese were among those who set out for a community car parade.
Searingtown School Principal Diana DiGiorgio was joined by the Scottie mascot for a car parade.
Searingtown students were excited to see their teachers drive by.
The High School held a “honk and hello” parade in April.
District administrators, Board of Education Members and Herricks Middle School staff members gathered from a distance outside the building and waved to families of students that drove past.

District administrators, Board of Education Members and Herricks Middle School staff members gathered from a distance outside the building and waved to families of students that drove past.
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