Great Neck Troop 626 Girl Scouts receive bronze awards

Great Neck Troop 626 Girl Scouts receive bronze awards
Girl scouts from Great Neck Troop 626 received their bronze awards in November. (Photo courtesy of Troop 626)

In mid-October, 11 Girl Scouts from Troop 626 received their Bronze Award among the beautiful fall foliage at a Great Neck Park. Cadettes, Christa Xu and Emmalina Chen along with Juniors, Catrina Ahlin, Elizabeth Fong, Jocelyn Chuck, Keira Leifert, Maya Deitz, Paige Klein, Sophie Oh, Surabhi Deitz, Sydney Verkman hosted a virtual World Fair in September to draw awareness to cultural diversity.

Over the last year, the girls each picked a country to become an expert in and spent the whole year in in-depth research of their country. The countries that were represented were the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Korea, United Kingdom. Besides some of the usual facts and figures, the girls’ research took them to explore the different political systems, monarchy, pop culture, music, inventions, famous people, events in history and contributions to the world.

They also had the opportunity to cook and share recipes from those countries. The girls plan to host a World Fair annually in our community.

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