The Great Neck Democratic Club will be hosting a forum on Wednesday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss “Donald Trump and the Midterms: How Do we Fight Back?!”
The forum, occurring at the Inn at Great Neck, will include Democratic leaders former United States Congressman Gary Ackerman, Democratic National Committeeman and television political commentator Robert Zimmerman and Nassau County Democratic Committee Chairman Jay Jacobs.
“The tenure of the Trump presidency has proven to be a trying time for our democratic institutions, having impacts globally and nationally—but also locally—which has been at the forefront of the minds of many Great Neck residents,” stated Steven Markowitz, president of the Great Neck Democratic Club. “It is easy to get caught up in the relentless news cycle of White House scandals but our hope is to take a step back to discuss local impacts of the Trump administration’s policies and how local residents can rally together to make a meaningful impact.”
The forum is open to Great Neck Democratic Club members and any local resident wishing to discuss the nation’s current state of affairs and chart a path forward. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask the panelists questions and express their concerns about the impacts that the Trump administration is having on the community.
“As we move closer to the 2018 midterm elections, it is imperative that we keep an open dialogue regarding the disgraceful rhetoric and policies coming from the White House,” added Markowitz. “In the months ahead we can work together as a community to fight back against this administration because after all—all politics is local.”
This event is free of charge. All attendees are invited to join the Great Neck Democratic Club.