Temple Isaiah presents new series on Jewish artists

Temple Isaiah presents new series on Jewish artists

Temple Isaiah will present the first in a new series of lectures on famous Jewish artists on Sunday, January 22 at 3:00 PM. Titled “Max Weber, Modernism & The Soyer Brothers,” the program will focus on three influential 20th-century artists.

Max Weber was active in Paris before World War I, and his vigorous, expressionistic painting synthesized the new understanding of pictorial space pioneered by the Cubists with the warm, vibrant color of Matisse. A few decades later, identical twin brothers Moses and Raphael Soyer represented the struggles of the working class and were involved in radical artists’ organizations that had sprung up during the Great Depression.

The program will be presented by art historian Dr. Dennis Raverty, Associate Professor at New Jersey City University, where he teaches 19th and 20th-century art history, including the art of West Africa, the diaspora and African American art. Dr. Raverty is currently co-authoring a book on American illustration. His articles and criticisms have appeared in numerous art publications.

The session will take place at Temple Isaiah of Great Neck, One Chelsea Place. There is a $15 donation, and registration is required. Please contact the temple at (516) 487-5373, or by email at isaiahgn@yahoo.com.

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