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Holiday food drive donations needed

Temple Beth-El and Kulanu Religious School (a joint venture of Temple Beth-El and Temple Israel) are conducting a holiday food drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry at St. Aloysius Church.

Donations are being collected now through Sunday, November 14 when volunteers will pack meals for those facing food insecurity in the Great Neck community. Collection bins are outside Temple Beth-El’s main entrance at 5 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and inside the lobby from 3-5 p.m. The list of items needed includes:
1 or 2 lbs. of rice

Parmalat milk boxes

Black beans – canned or dry

Canned vegetables: corn, string beans

Canned fruit, Jello or Jelly

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Cookies, pound cake

Apple juice (no glass bottles please)

Crackers or tortilla chips

Oatmeal (any variety) or

24 oz. to 48 oz. cooking oil (not larger, please)

For more information, call 516-487-0900.

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