Stop by the Great Neck Library to check out the vibrant photography of Great Neck teen, Chongrun, also known as “Rain”.
Rain is a high school senior attending William A. Shine, Great Neck South High School, who has a profound passion for photography.
His work is currently on display at the Great Neck Library (159 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck). Rain specializes in capturing the beauty of landscapes and the fascinating world of wildlife. The exhibition features a collection of photographs, including a striking snowy owl, a majestic osprey, a regal bald eagle, two graceful hummingbirds, and four stunning sunrise scenes, each adorned with its unique and vibrant colors. Through Rain’s lens, the wonders of nature come to life, and his artistic vision shines brightly in his work.
For more information, please contact the Great Neck Library at (516) 466-8055 or email