Free online Adult Education offering open to the community—begins Sunday!
Sunday, January 23, 10 a.m. Meet the author Dasee Berkowitz
Sunday, January 30, 10 a.m.
February 6, 11 a.m.
February 13, 10 a.m.
Join Rabbi Tara of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck for four online sessions discussing the book “Becoming a Soulful Parent” by Dasee Berkowitz. This is not a parenting how-to book. It does not offer the usual advice or add to the to-do lists of busy parents. Instead, Becoming a Soulful Parent asks questions to help readers explore the contours of their inner life, developing their internal compass as they lead their families with love and wisdom.
Becoming a soulful parent covers inter-generational relationships, co-parenting, parenting during a pandemic, and a host of other topics to help parents strengthen “muscles” that will be essential for both parents and children throughout their lives — muscles like love, listening, empathy, and curiosity.
Combining insights from thousands of years of traditional Jewish wisdom and contemporary literature on spirituality with her own utterly relatable first-person storytelling, author Dasee Berkowitz helps readers embrace every moment with their families while leaning into the challenges of parenting with renewed perspective and enthusiasm. for parents with preschool through high school children, participants will be guided through a discussion about the book, which asks questions to help readers explore the contours of their inner life, developing their inner compass as they lead their families with love and wisdom.
For more information or to register call 516-487-0900, ext. 115. There is no fee for this course and the entire community is welcome to register.