By Dr. Dwight Rosenstein, Scoutmaster
Troop 10 recently completed a weekend overnight camping trip in western New Jersey at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco. 39 Scouts and 10 adults camped overnight and there was no rain for a change.
The boys were split into several groups in the morning and went to various stables in the area of the camp and rode some trails on horseback. Seventeen scouts arrived and camped Friday night to get an early start Saturday to get in-depth training in pursuit of the horsemanship merit badge.
Back at the camp they received instruction in safety and properties of the firearms, especially the 22-gauge rifle. They then had target practice. Back in the group campsite, they made a very large fire to accommodate foil cooking packets for each of the scouts.
Each patrol of five to seven scouts decided their own menu at a previous troop meeting, and the food was bought. Individual packets were made on-site fashioned with heavy-duty aluminum foil, including a handle for easy access.
Entrées included ground beef, potato, tomato, celery, onion and bread; ground beef, potatoes, onions and BBQ sauce; burgers; hot dogs, onion, and cheese; beef stew w/potatoes and vegies; barbecue salmon with veggies; and others.
The adult patrol used a homemade aluminum foil reflector oven to make shish kebabs, and other dishes.
The temperature went down to 26°F Fahrenheit overnight and it was pretty cold in the morning. Nevertheless, everybody got up, scouts cooked breakfast, cleaned up after eating, and policed the site.
After a session where the scouts reviewed the trip and relevant personal experiences, into the cars and home they went.
Troop 10 meets at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department on 25
Prospect Street on Mondays at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm on school days.
If you are interested in joining Troop 10, please contact Dr. Dwight J Rosenstein
at djrosenstein@gmail.com.