31 Boy Scouts in Troop 10 spend 1 week at Onteora Scout Reservation Camp in August

31 Boy Scouts in Troop 10 spend 1 week at Onteora Scout Reservation Camp in August

By Dr. Dwight Rosenstein, Scoutmaster

Troop 10 had a very successful week at summer camp at Onteora Scout Reservation in Livingston Manor, New York. 31 scouts spent a week in the Catskills, in platform tents, eating at the dining hall, and walking probably at least a mile every day to visit various program areas.

Adult leaders accompanied the scouts and at all times there were four adults at camp. The weather was remarkable for Sullivan County because for six days there was no rain.

Younger scouts received training in basic outdoor and camping skills. The scouts were particularly interested in the safe use of knife, ax and saw, and fire building skills.

All of the scouts partook of the merit badge program in which over 85 merit badges were offered. Merit badges earned by the scouts included the following. Swimming, kayaking, rifle shooting, astronomy, sculpture, engineering, animation, moviemaking, wilderness survival, cooking, wood carving, backpacking, camping, hiking, athletics, emergency preparedness, inventing, environmental science, home repairs, geocaching, and automotive maintenance, to name just a few.

The scouts also had the opportunity to spend time at the rifle range, and at archery, as well as going fishing and boating on the lake. They even took showers.

One of the adult leaders accomplished the mile swim. The members of Troup 10 met scouts from troops from all over Nassau County and friendships were made. No one was eaten by a bear and there were almost no mosquitoes. The boys had a special treat in that one of our recent Eagle Scouts was at camp as a counselor in training.

Troop 10 meets at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department on 25 Prospect Street on Mondays at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm on school days. If you are interested in joining Troop 10, please contact Dwight J Rosenstein at djrosenstein@gmail.com.

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