Reports at the Sept. 3 Floral Park Village Board Meeting from Village Trustee Michael Longobardi and Village Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald:
Trustee Michael Longobardi:
Building Department report:
Structural repairs of the fire property at 266 Jericho Tpk. have been completed. Interior reconstruction has started and is expected to take up to a year.
The department is seven months into the construction of the new apartment building at 1 Carnation Ave. Lighting has been installed at the pedestrian walkway, connecting Tulip Avenue to the Spur Parking Lot and the walkway is expected to be completed at the end of this month.
Construction on the 99 Covert Ave. restaurant is expected to begin soon.
The Covert Avenue fire building site is in its final stages of funding with the IDA. The property owner has stated that construction will start soon.
A subdivision application has been received for 155 Beech St. and is expected to be on the September 25 ARB agenda for review.
Plans for a civic meeting to discuss a proposed development at South Tyson Avenue and Jericho Turnpike has been temporarily postponed and no new date has been set.
All sidewalk and driveway repairs or replacement require a permit prior to doing work to ensure the construction meets Village and Building Code standards. Call DPW or the Building Department for assistance.
Recreation and Pool report:
This past week, all summer programs and pool activities concluded for summer season of 2024.
“It was a great season at the pool with so many events and activities taking place weekly; enrollment was up this year,” Longobardi said in his report. “Thank you to Superintendent Kurt Meyfohrt, Pool Director Tom Dillon, Assistant Pool Director Joe Derby, Administrative Assistant Gena King, and the entire team of lifeguards and park maintenance staff that kept it all running each day and made the recreation center such a fun place to be in town.”
Floral Park Little League will start its fall season after a successful summer program. The Indians Soccer program is set to start their fall season shortly. Titans and Titanettes are gearing up for the 2024 season.
Fall registration for all youth, adult and senior programs will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the pool building lobby. Registration for Senior Agility and Silver Sneaker programs is the same day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Session I Fall programs for kids include Zumba, gymnastics, gardening, and tennis.
Adult and Senior programs include aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, tennis, pickleball and more.
Town-Village Aircraft Safety & Noise Abatement Committee (TVASNAC) report:
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 23 at Town of Hempstead Town Hall, One Washington Street in Hempstead. If you want to make a noise complaint regarding air traffic, you can call 1-800-225-1071. You can also go to our Village website which has the links under the TVASNAC noise complaint contact information page on our home page.
Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald:
“Deputy Mayor Pombonyo and Trustee Longobardi both touched upon things happening in the Village that go unnoticed,” Fitzgerald said in his report. “Even during the Summer months when you think everything is quiet, situations arise.”
Fitzgerald thanked the department heads for dealing with a number of situations over the past couple of weeks that took place outside of business hours.
“We have a great team here at the village,” Fitzgerald said. “Our village is truly a wonderful place to live. It is wonderful to know that you can call up our offices and hopefully get most things rectified within a reasonable time.”
Next Tuesday, Sept. 10, the Floral Park Lions Club, along with the Northend Civic Association is hosting the NY Citizens Preparedness Training program. The program will offer participants the tools and resources on how to prepare for any type of disaster, including hurricanes and winter storms, respond accordingly, and recover as quickly as possible to pre disaster conditions. The training will take place at the pool building at 6:30 p.m.
Anyone interested will have to register for the training. You can visit the website at for more information. A reminder will be sent out in the biweekly email.