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Floral Park Board of Trustees reports Feb. 7, 2023

Trustee Lynn Pombonyo

Fire Department

On January 20th, Ex-Captain Martin Cook of Rescue Company passed away. Captain Cook was loved by many in Rescue Company, the Fire Department and our Village throughout his forty year career. He was known for his strong leadership, medical expertise, instructional training skills, and kindness and caring towards all. Captain Cook was honored at a Fire Department service attended by the Chiefs, Rescue Company, most of the Department, Village Board members, and grateful residents. As Captain Cook and his family left Floral Park, they passed under a hook and ladder truck arch and large American flag spanning Jericho Turnpike, proudly displayed by the Floral Park and New Hyde Park Fire Departments. It was an honor to join both Fire Departments and Mayor Fitzgerald to salute Captain Cook on that important day.

Our Fire Department faced another busy weekend on Saturday, February 4th and Sunday, the 5th. On Saturday, ten calls included smoky conditions in a house, two carbon monoxide calls, two mutual aid calls to a house fire in Bellerose (which was quickly resolved) and a gas leak in Bellerose Terrace, and five ambulance calls.

Sunday began early for the Department with a 2AM mutual aid call to Roslyn where a massive multiple alarm fire had been burning for eight hours in a large medical office building on Northern Boulevard. Reliance Company responded for four hours. On stand-by status, Reliance reported to a Roslyn FD call as Roslyn continued to battle their building fire. Thanks go to Reliance for their important overnight assistance to our neighbors.

At 5:30AM on Sunday, the NYU Langone ambulance team began their first due response assignment in our Village. That day, there was a house fire and an automatic alarm for a house fire (both of which were quickly resolved) and four ambulance calls. Since two were simultaneous, both the NYU and Floral Park ambulances responded, then Floral Park responded to another call while NYU returned from a hospital transport. This coordination and teamwork have already benefited our Village.

Today, the Department provided mutual aid assistance for a New Hyde Park porch/house fire and a serious car accident, patients assisted and transported by our Floral Park ambulance.

We thank the entire Department for responding to a total of seventeen calls on Saturday and Sunday, including Roslyn, and welcoming the NYU Langone EMTs and paramedics to Floral Park.

Department of Public Works

It’s winter, and that means that DPW continues to fill potholes. Please report potholes to DPW at 516-326-6320.

Thanks to our residents and businesses for following our new recycling program guidelines so well. Your separation of your paper/cardboard materials on your regular recycling days and your plastic/glass/metal recycling on Wednesdays has been very successful. Today, our DPW recycling staff members expressed their appreciation to all for making our new recycling efforts work. Great thanks to all from DPW Superintendent Kevin Ginnane, Deputy Superintendent Joe O’Grady, and Supervisors Kevin Pearsall and Joe Karam, too.

Chambers of Commerce and Our Businesses

At the Floral Park Chamber’s February dinner meeting, I had the pleasure of swearing in the 2023 Officers and Directors.

Congratulations to President Marie Grant of Signature Premier Properties; Vice President Shane Parouse of Shelter Rock Wealth Management; Director Michael Jakob of the Carriage Trade Insurance Agency; Director Chris Vassiliou of the Floral Park Diner; and Director Noel Abraham of the Bridge Community Church. Other Board members include Director Mildred Tassone of Keller Williams Realty Gold Coast and Director Stephen Wickes of One Sound Body – Fitness and Nutrition Coaching.

Next up will be planning for the best 2023 Floral Park Chamber of Commerce Street Fair. Watch for the details!

And Valentine’s Day is one week from today. Be sure to SHOP AND DINE LOCAL with your favorite Valentine!

Conservation Society (FPCS)

Although it’s winter, the birds are still enjoying their days in our award-winning Centennial Gardens and Bird Sanctuary. You can too by joining FPCS and the Parks Department for the annual, international Great Backyard Bird Count.

It’s happening on Friday, February 17th (from noon to 4pm), Saturday, the 18th (from noon to 3pm), and Sunday, the 19th (from noon to 2pm), and you’re invited to the Gardens main entrance on the Floral Parkway side. Listen to Floral Park’s own Don Haug, bird expert and enthusiast, describe the birds of the Gardens, their flying patterns, habits, nesting and unique characteristics. Don has many interesting fun facts and stories to share. Don’t forget your binoculars. To be included in our totals, your bird counts may be submitted at the Rec Center up until 1PM on Monday, February 20th.

Check out the Great Backyard Bird Count at for more information, webinars, ideas, and spectacular photos and videos. And don’t forget the suet to keep our birds healthy and happy throughout the winter season!

Trustee Frank Chiara

Police Department

From our Police Department here are some year-to-date statistics:

Our Police have performed 263 Traffic Stops.  They have issued 184 summonses, some of which were for the following: 74 summonses for stop sign violations, 7 summonses for speeding violations, 1 summons for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Our Police have also issued 1217 parking summonses, a number of which include violations for the overnight parking rule. As a reminder, as of January 1, 2023, the fee for the overnight parking violation has increased to $100.00. Our Police have performed 213 directed patrols which have them address various reported conditions throughout the Village.

The Department has recently applied for and was awarded funding on two grants. With the support and assistance of former State Senator Anna Kaplan, the first grant award was in the amount of $50,000.  The funds from this grant will be used for an upgrade to the Police Department’s Emergency Operations Center. The second award was from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services in the amount of $64,000. These funds will be used to purchase body worn cameras for our Police Department. We would like to thank former State Senator Anna Kaplan and the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) for their assistance with securing these grants.

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Thank You to Police Commissioner McAllister and all the members of the Police Department for their continuous efforts to keep our community safe.

Building Department:

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) will be having its monthly meeting on Wednesday February 22, 2023 @ 8pm in Fireman’s Hall.  Along with other applications, the Freidman Group, owners of Centennial Hall will be coming before the ARB to present some minor changes to their current application. All residents are welcome to attend.

Trustee Jennifer Stewart

The January meeting of the North End Civic Association was very informative and well attended. I’d like to thank Superintendent Kevin Ginnane for coming out and discussing our Public Works Department as well as the new aspects of our recycling program. I would also like to thank Mr. Larry King and Chief of Department, Jep Dodson for their thoughtful presentations regarding the NYU Langone Ambulance – at that time – proposal and for taking questions from those in attendance. Additionally, thanks to Mr. Greg Hand, President of NECA and his board for all their work in increasing membership and bringing out speakers. The February 16th speaker will be Jen DeSena, Town of North Hempstead Supervisor. The Meeting is at 7PM in the Pool Building, all are welcome.

Recreation Center

The field use meeting was held on Monday of this past week. As you can see from the number of permits issued, our fields see a tremendous amount of use. There is nothing better than going to the park and seeing dozens and dozens of kids playing and learning. The entire Village is grateful to all the coaches who volunteer their time so the kids can have these experiences. Additionally, a Recreation Committee Meeting was held. This is an opportunity for the Recreation Center staff to update the committee on the happenings at the Rec Center. Right now, we have several projects taking place; the multipurpose rink is moving along nicely, the sidewalk safety and beautification project is nearing completion, LED Sports Lighting installation and work will begin on renovating two of the fields for Little League play shortly.

Opening Day at the Floral Park Pool is less than four months away! This is a comforting thought as we suffered through arctic temperatures this weekend! Information on all things pool related will be forthcoming shortly. Please keep an eye on your email and social media for announcements.


The Village is in the process of setting up a meeting with the MTA/3TC/LIRR and Nassau County to discuss the Tunnel Street Gate and our options. I will, of course, keep you updated.

As always, we encourage residents to reach out directly to the MTA with questions and concerns, as we have found this the most effective way of residents communicating with them. The MTA can be reached at or by phone at 516-203-4955 – this is an automated response, but you can ask for “more options” and then ask for “Comments and concerns” to speak to a person.

Trustee Michael Longobardi

Floral Park Library

Regarding the new front entrance, the ramp base is in place and has set.  The new stairs and railing should be installed in the next two weeks or so. The new roof is done and water tight.  There is still roof edging to be done.  We remind everyone the entrance and book drop are temporarily located in the back of the building off the Tulip Avenue side and the Library is fully open and operating on a normal schedule.

Our Library has a growing list of museum passes and currently has passes available for 24 museums. It is a great opportunity to take the kids and explore all types of learning from History at Old Bethpage, the Sea, Air and Space Museum on the Intrepid and Firefighting at the Firefighters Museum and so much more.  Please visit the Library or its website for a complete list and to reserve passes.  The annual AARP tax assistance program is back this year on Tuesdays from 10AM – 3PM.  Appointments must be scheduled in advance.  Some upcoming events and classes are: Feb. 9 Defensive Driving Class, Feb. 11 English Language Learner Class, Feb. 13 Movie Matinee: Top Gun: Maverick, and Feb. 15 NY Life’s Joseph Yasinoski Tax and Retirement Program.  There are also many other activities for children and adults.  Please visit the Library website: for the full list.  You can also register on the website to receive regular emails on Library updates and events.

The Library is closed on Monday, Feb. 20 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

Four Village Studio (4VS)

Jim Green, 4VS Operations Manager, recently held the annual 4VS staff meeting and awards night to thank the entire staff for the great job they do all year long and to recognize certain individuals who went above and beyond.  Congratulations to all the award winners and thank you to the entire studio staff for keeping our studio up and running.

4VS has student opportunities and is currently recruiting four-village area high school students age 15 and older and college student volunteers who are interested in learning television production.  For details or to schedule an informational meeting, call 516-326-1150 or email

4VS is celebrating its 25th Anniversary year all year long with the last program of the night being a flashback show looking back over the studio’s first 25 years.  To see a list of shows, please visit or watch your local provider station.

Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald

I am happy to report that NYRA completed the berm work near the North (Emerald) Lot – they have some work for fences still left to do.  Thank you to them for getting that project done and helping protect the properties along the border in the West End.

I received some good news from Governor Hochul’s office. It was reported that the new NYS budget includes $455 million to redevelop the three tracks and build a new grandstand at Belmont Racetrack. They plan to close Aqueduct Racetrack and promote Belmont as the premier racing facility.  They hope to bring back the Breeders Cup, continue the Belmont Stakes, etc. For more information, please see “We are New York Horse Racing” website. That is very exciting news for Floral Park and hopefully will have a positive impact.

On a concerning note, Governor Hochul’s Housing Compact to increase the housing stock by 3% near MTA transit hubs which includes the Floral Park and Bellerose train stations has been met with much trepidation. This plan will have a negative impact on the Village’s infrastructure, roads, schools and sewers. Last Friday, I attended a press conference with Senators Jack Martins and Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick where they addressed many concerns about the Housing Compact.  As outlined, this Housing Compact will dramatically change the suburbs as it affects zoning laws that are over 100 years old.  The President of the Nassau County Village Official’s Association has engaged over 25 local Mayors in Nassau County to also oppose this plan.  There will be information to the public forthcoming from our elected officials on this critical issue. I assure you that I, along with Board of Trustees, will work closely with our elected officials and local villages to protect the interests and quality of life of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park and its residents.

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