The Ed. Foundation will honor all seven Port Washington school district principals at the Sweet 16 Spring Party on Friday, April 13 from 7 to 11 p.m. at H on the Harbor. The party includes an open bar, a casual dinner, a silent auction, raffle prizes and much more.  It is the biggest fundraiser of the year for The Ed. Foundation and celebrates the organization’s 16th year of funding grants in the district, enhancing and expanding educational opportunities for students in every grade.
The Sweet 16 Party is sponsored by a generous contribution from the Peter and Jeri Dejana Family Foundation. Â
The Ed. Foundation is thrilled to honor all 7 Port Washington school district principals: Bonni Cohen, Manorhaven Elementary; Pia Ferrante, Salem Elementary School; Barbara Giebel, Guggenheim Elementary School; David Meoli, Sousa Elementary School; Ira Pernick, Schreiber High School; Chris Shields, Weber Middle School; and Sheri Suzzan, Daly Elementary School. Â
The principals support the work of the Foundation by encouraging their staff to think outside the box, constantly coming up with innovative grant ideas. Â The Foundation has enjoyed a longstanding tradition of partnership with these seven educational leaders, and the party will be an exciting opportunity to publicly thank and honor this esteemed group.
Tickets are $125 per person and $115 for Ed. Foundation members. Please go to to become a member at any level.
Those who can’t attend the party can honor their principals through an ad in the journal.  Ads are available at several different levels ranging from $75 for a quarter page ad to $500 for a silver journal page. Â
Sponsorships are also available at several levels: “Sixteen Candles” for $5,000 (includes 8 tickets and a silver journal page), “Party! Party! Party!” for $2,500 (includes 6 tickets and a silver journal page), “Let’s Celebrate” for $2,000 (includes 4 tickets and a silver journal page), and “Best Wishes” for $1,500 (includes 2 tickets and a silver journal page).
The event is co-chaired by Ed. Foundation board members Lauren Edwards and Robin McDermott. Please contact them with any questions at
To purchase tickets, journal ads, sponsorships or to become a member, please visit
The Ed. Foundation has awarded over $1.3 million in grants to the Port Washington schools since 2001. Â The Ed. Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit, community-based organization whose mission supports educational initiatives beyond basic education requirements.
The Ed. Foundation is grateful to its supportive community. Â Through a successful membership program, generous sponsorships and strong ongoing community support, the Foundation is delighted to award the Port public schools with 44 enriching grants across the 7 schools for the current school year.
The Ed. Foundation is currently accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year through March 23 and will announce the grant recipients for next year in June.
Please visit to purchase tickets or sponsorships, or to learn more about inspiring education in Port.