East Williston Sports Clinic

East Williston Sports Clinic

On Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. the Village of East Williston will be running a sports clinic for children in the community, ages 10 to 12.

This program will be run by some of our village high school students. The program will be run on Wednesday, July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, and July 29. 

Registration is limited to the first 14 residents. A fee of $25 is required. 

You can register by forwarding your name, address, child’s name, age, and school attended along with a check made out to the Village of East Williston to 409 Latham Lane attn Raffaela Dunne. 

Children should come wearing sneakers and comfortable clothing and bring their own water. PLEASE DROP OFF REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT PRIOR TO TUESDAY, JUNE 30TH. Note that the program is subject to cancellation if there is insufficient attendance.

Submitted by the Village of East Williston

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