D’Urso meets with North Shore Audubon

D’Urso meets with North Shore Audubon
Jennifer Wilson-Pines and Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso. (Photo courtesy of Assemblyman Anthony D'Urso's office)

Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso met with Jennifer Wilson-Pines from the North Shore Audubon Society, discussing issues which need to be resolved to better protect the Long Island Aquifer.

A chemical such as nitrogen, which is a common ingredient found in grass fertilizer, is among a variety of chemicals that can pass through the soil and potentially contaminate ground water. Excessive nitrogen harms Long Island’s water supply by causing the growth of algae and aquatic plants to grow much faster than usual. When this happens, the water intakes can clog and the plants use-up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, this causes sunlight to be blocked to the deeper waters.

“As a member of the New York State’s Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee and an ardent environmentalist, I am a firm believer in keeping harmful chemicals out of our ground,” D’Urso said. “These chemicals often end up in our water supply.”

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