The Art Guild welcomes award-winning pastelist Lana Ballot will teach a two-day workshop, “Making Your Landscape Colors Sing in Pastels,” on Nov. 11 and 12 at The Art Guild at Elderfields Preserve at 200 Port Washington Blvd. in Manhasset.
Lana Ballot is a signature member of the Pastel Society of America and is a professional artist and pastel painting instructor. Working primarily in pastels, she prefers this medium for its immediacy, spontaneity and unparalleled luminosity of color.
Through years of experience painting outdoors Ballot work is characterized by confident and expressive use of color and painterly mark-making. Her work has been exhibited in national juried shows. She received an Honorable Mention in the Pastel Journal’s Pastel 100 competition in 2015, and she was awarded the Yang Family Award in the Pastel Society of America’s annual show Enduring Brilliance in 2016.
In 2017, Ballot won first place awards in local and national pastel shows, and Best in Show For Pastels Only, juried pastel exhibition in the Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod.
Additional classes for children, high school students and adults run year-round. Adult classes include Landscape Painting with Paul Bachem, Watercolor for Beginners or Intermediates with Eileen Neville, and non-instructional Life Drawing from the Nude.
Sip and Sketch, a non-instructional drawing session with a live model, meets on the second Thursday evening of every month. Please RSVP for the next session on October 12.
Children’s classes, Art Explorations for ages 5-7 & Children’s Art Studio for ages 8-12 are scheduled to begin Saturday, October 7; Solving Art for ages 8-12 is scheduled to begin October 11.
The Art Guild of Port Washington, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing encouragement, education and a forum for the appreciation of the visual arts. The Art Guild strives to offer residents from local and neighboring communities an avenue to broaden their creative pursuits. For more information, call 516.304.5797 or visit the website.