Assemblywoman Sillitti honoring the legacy of fallen emergency first responders

Assemblywoman Sillitti honoring the legacy of fallen emergency first responders
from left to right: Captain Kevin Gately, Ex-President Ed Oldak, NYS Assemblywoman Gina L. Sillitti, Ex-President Tricia Trapp and EMT Jacks Klein

State Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti (D-Port Washington) recently attended the 2021 New York State EMS Memorial Ceremony at the Empire State Plaza.

She honored the legacy of fallen first responders and emergency medical service (EMS) workers alongside government officials, family members and current first responders.

“The EMS Memorial Ceremony was a stark reminder of the sacrifice that some brave first responders have made to protect our community,” Sillitti said. “Every day, our local heroes dedicate themselves to keeping our families safe and protecting our homes during emergencies. I have continuously advocated for these brave men and women, and I’ll always work to secure the resources and benefits they’ve rightfully earned. Our communities are safer because of first responders, so I’ll always stand by them.”

During the ceremony, Sillitti honored Ingrid Sowle, a fallen member of Port Washington Fire Department’s Fire Medic Company #1 who was struck and killed by a drunk driver after responding to an auto accident on Roslyn West Shore Drive on Feb. 19, 1990.

“The ceremony was a beautiful testament to Ingrid Sowle and the hundreds of thousands of Volunteer Emergency Medical Services First Responders. Ingrid like so many of her fellow volunteers leave their homes to go and help people that they don’t know and tragically, sometimes we don’t return to our families and loved ones,” observed Ed Oldak, the past President of Port Washington Fire Department’s Fire Medic Company #1.

The ceremony also recognized several other first responders and EMS workers across the state who keep their communities safe. Ingrid Sowle’s legacy will never be forgotten alongside the countless other brave men and women who selflessly serve the community, Sillitti noted.

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