Assembly Member Gina Sillitti attends the re-opening of renovated Adventures in Learning classrooms at the Manhasset EOC

Assembly Member Gina Sillitti attends the re-opening of renovated Adventures in Learning classrooms at the Manhasset EOC
Gina Sillitti at the reopening of "Adventures in Learning" classrooms at the Manhasset EOC (Photo courtesy of the Office of Gina Sillitti)

On Sept. 12th, Assembly Member Gina L. Sillitti joined Diana Holden, Executive Director of Adventures in Learning, to celebrate the successful renovation of classrooms used in the Manhasset/Great Neck EOC “Adventures in Learning” program.

This program is designed to improve the lives of underserved Long Island children in need of after-school care and instruction and a program that Assemblywoman Sillitti is proud to have provided grant money to ensure the program continues.

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