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New Hyde Park treasurer honored

Seated left to right from the Chamber, Saveeta Barnes, Secretary; Reena Gulati 1st VP; Past Presidents Ralph Ventura and Jerry Baldassaro. Standing: Past Presidents Rich DeMartino and Mark Laytin; Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth; Mrs. Guilfoyle; NCCC President Francesca Carlow; Larry Armstrong, Board Member; Richard Guilfoyle; Chris Vulpis, Past President; Jeanette Frisina, Chamber President; Steve Blank, Board Member; Councilwoman Viviana Russell; North Hempstead Town Clerk Wayne Wink.

On Friday, October 19, 2018, the Nassau Council of Chambers hosted its annual legislative breakfast at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury.  Each Chamber honors its business person of the year at that time.  The Greater New Hyde Park Chamber honored its Treasurer Richard Guilfoyle, CPA.

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