All Things Real Estate: Learn, earn and network at industry conferences

All Things Real Estate: Learn, earn and network at industry conferences

This week I am in Washington, D.C., attending my Global Business and Alliance committee meetings and our National Association of Realtors Conference.  There is a multitude of breakout sessions and classes to add and enhance one’s knowledge, enabling a Realtor to further scale up their business and income.

Networking and meeting new Realtors within the industry from around the United States and internationally will benefit you interms of future referrals and relocations when your clients move out of their state to other parts of the country/  There are only 30 individuals I counted from our Long Island Board of Realtors who have been attending the conference out of 28,000 of our members.  Not very good stats at all!

Surviving and thriving in our industry requires a humongous amount of concerted efforts, disciplined actions, and the most coveted asset, the sacrifice of one’s valuable time.  However, the payoff is also huge in not only the remuneration of some fabulous income, when we provide consistent assistance and consideration to the consumer in their search for their “next place to call home.”  There is no better feeling when you see the smile and satisfaction on your client’s families’ faces during the contract or lease signing and/or the final closing whether selling, investing, purchasing, renting, or leasing residential or commercial properties.

Accomplishing this sometimes tumultuous and challenging journey requires a lot of knowledge, expertise, professionalism and being as candid and upfront as possible with your clients. Some serious “tough skin” will be necessary and required as you meander through the process.  The few and far between Realtors who survive today and “do the right thing” are very much deserving of every penny that they truly do earn.

The reward in the beginning is the satisfaction in knowing that you will always strive for perfection for your clients, but in reality, no one can ever reach that goal.  Nevertheless, it is better to try and fail than to succeed at nothing. The end game is to satisfy and successfully find a home, investment, rental, or lease that is as close to what our clients’ “needs and wants” are, while staying within their budget constraints, R.O.I., locations, and school districts.

Regularly attending our 2 National Conferences will be one of the most important steps to gain the necessary and important requirements to be able to strive to the “top of your game.”  This is one way to begin your career or if you are a seasoned agent to expand your greater knowledge, expertise, and professionalism within our industry.  But if you think your job is a “cakewalk to the bank,” it won’t be unless you create your plan and strategy so you will know the proper and positive paths to pursue.

One must take the initiative and adopt a positive attitude to commit to learning while building a long-term career in real estate.  This can free you from the handcuffed world of having a job, going to work, having almost no control over your raises and future earnings, while trying to elevate your position. The leverage that one can have in real estate (and never on your routine job) can be accomplished over the long term.

The first step is to earn your real estate license in as little as 16 days.  The next move would be interviewing several brokerages to determine who will be the most advantageous fit for your career.  Who will do the best job in teaching and guiding you in learning how this business should really be done?  Do you want to learn how to sell people real estate or would you feel more comfortable utilizing specific techniques and methods of educating and guiding your clients through a consultative process?

The old ways of selling no longer work and are not what the consumer really needs and wants.  They prefer those Realtors who coddle and “hand-hold as many today weren’t brought up in a homeownership environment.  Many had been in rentals and know very little about real estate and the process of purchasing.  Long-term wealth for the majority has always been created by owning a home. 

Our job is to see that as many consumers as possible qualify with the necessary income, credit, and debt/income ratios to lead them down the path to becoming owners.  To be successful in real estate one must be an excellent listener, able to learn and absorb information, engage in constant practicing and role playing and lastly apply everything that you have learned every single day.  If done properly this can lead you to an extremely successful career and the financial freedom that everyone is looking for but most never achieve.

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Philip A. Raices is the owner/Broker of Turn Key Real Estate at 3 Grace Ave Suite 180 in Great Neck.  He has 40 years of experience in the Real Estate industry and has earned designations as a Graduate of the Realtor Institute  and also as a Certified International Property Specialist as well as the new “Green Industry” Certification for eco-friendly construction and upgrades.  For a “FREE” 15-minute consultation, value analysis of your home, or to answer any of your questions or concerns he can be reached by cell: (516) 647-4289 or by email: Phil@TurnKeyRealEstate.Com or via https://WWW.Li-RealEstate.Com  Just email or snail mail (regular mail) him with your ideas or suggestions on future columns with your name, email, and cell number and he will call or email you back.




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