Pete Prudente’s life of service, sacrifice and saving lives

Pete Prudente’s life of service, sacrifice and saving lives

By Natalia Ventura

Pete Prudente, a Glen Cove volunteer firefighter, has dedicated his life to saving others.
Recently, his acts of selflessness earned him the honor of being commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel by Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky, a recognition Prudente admits he hadn’t heard of before.

“It was quite an honor,” he said, expressing both his surprise and gratitude. “I really
didn’t hear about Kentucky Colonels until this came up, but evidently, it is a big nationwide group of people [who] do humanitarian [and] community service.”

During a visit to Glen Cove from Kentucky, J. Hunter Mathews, a retired colonel and brother of former Glen Cove City Councilman Gaitley Stevenson-Mathews, learned about Prudente’s
tireless efforts.

Impressed by Prudente’s dedication, Hunter arranged for him to be commissioned
as a Kentucky Colonel. While the title is often associated with Kentucky residents, it is awarded to exceptional individuals worldwide, including figures like boxer Muhammad Ali and former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Prudente, along with fellow honoree Gary Ruggiero, took this recognition a step further by
establishing the Long Island chapter of The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, which has since been recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

“There are chapters all over the country, and there’s 12 of us [Kentucky Colonels] on Long Island,” Prudente explained. “We decided to get together, we created a chapter…so we could accept donations for community service and maybe offer scholarships, things of that nature in the future. We’re really new, so we’re just trying to get
things going.

The group’s recent major project took place during the Kentucky Colonels’ national Community Service Day on Oct. 12.

Prudente, having organized numerous environmental initiatives in
the past, led a beach cleanup at field six of Jones Beach State Park, one of Long Island’s most iconic locations.

“We combed the beach fairly well and tried to get what we could.”
However, Prudente’s service extends far beyond beach cleanups. His most significant act of heroism came in the form of organ donation. Prudente donated his kidney to a stranger, a decision that not only saved one life but created a donor chain, ultimately saving six lives.

“I wanted to take someone off dialysis,” he said. “I wish I could do it again.”

In addition to his kidney donation, Prudente has also saved the lives of two leukemia patients by donating white blood cells, a procedure known as leukapheresis. “I was called to the hospital to save the life of a 13-year-old leukemia patient…Three months later, a 14-year-old leukemia patient,” he recounted.

Prudente is also currently on a bone marrow donor list. These incredible acts of generosity were among the reasons Prudente was nominated to become a Kentucky Colonel.
Prudente’s commitment to community service doesn’t end there.

A regular blood donor, he recently reached a milestone by donating platelets for the 100th time, an achievement recognized by the New York Blood Center. He also runs several blood drives each year in the North Shore area, continuing his dedication to helping those in need. “You’ll never know how many lives you save…but keeping the blood supplies in good order is a big help to all the local hospitals.”

For Prudente, community service is deeply ingrained in his daily life. A member of numerous local organizations, including the Rotary Club, Lions Club, and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, he finds countless ways to give back.

His message to others who are interested in making a difference is simple: “I believe in smiling at strangers and doing something nice for someone during your busy day. If just one person sees that and does one good deed, that’s a win for me…let’s help each other, even if you don’t know each other.”

Prudente’s life-saving efforts and community-driven projects are an inspiration, reminding us that one individual can indeed make a profound impact on the lives of many.

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