Readers Write: Manorhaven needs new leadership

Readers Write: Manorhaven needs new leadership

I am writing to support Jeff Stone in his bid to become Manorhaven’s next mayor along with the trustees who will support him.

The upcoming June 18 election gives residents an opportunity to choose open government and actual transparency over the idea of it.  With the current administration, many emails go unanswered, FOIL requests ignored, avenues of communication underutilized or unused.

Transparency began to fall away with the elimination of Zoom meetings early on.  The reason given was that “Covid was over” and it was too expensive to maintain.  Then the website lacked basic information like meeting dates, agendas, and minutes.

The reason first was the website needed an overhaul, then that the original site creator was too expensive, and finally that they were understaffed (a problem of the board’s own making due to firings currently disputed in court).

The Facebook page is free, yet only recently utilized.  Newsletters are non-existent:  There was one early in the fall of 2022 and one just recently coinciding with an election.  The most relevant information in it was a reminder of new garbage rules, which were rolled out poorly and raised immediate alarm among residents.  Here a robocall would have been useful.

The Port Washington Times thankfully provides coverage and local bulletin boards provide some information.  People can, of course, attend meetings but it is not always realistic.

Plus when issues are contentious, the meetings become raucous, chaotic and not worthwhile.  In addition, if the residents were routinely informed, we would not have to attend every meeting to know what is happening.

It should be a top priority of any administration to inform their residents of village news and projects and to seek input.  Currently there is no meaningful answer as to why our taxes were just raised while our services have diminished.

I believe the Manorhaven Residents Party will do a better job. I believe Jeff Stone is a leader who will strive to make the village a more functional, vibrant, and welcoming community.

Do not take your vote for granted.  Prior elections have been decided by two votes; the former mayor lost by 30.

We residents need to do our part to promote governance that keeps the residents in focus.  Vote for Jeff Stone and Row A on Tuesday, June 18, at Manorhaven Village Hall between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.  Your vote matters.

Francesca Zahner

Village of Manorhaven

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