Fellow residents of Great Neck, my name is Grant Toch and I am declaring my intention to run for re-election as Trustee of the Board of Education for the Great Neck Public School District. I have had the privilege to serve our community on the Great Neck Board of Education for the last three years, two of which I served as Trustee and, this current year, as Vice President.
We have had many accomplishments during my three years on the Board of Education. We successfully selected our new Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs. We also successfully negotiated contracts with the Great Neck Teachers Association and almost all other bargaining units. Even more, we passed two fiscally responsible budgets within the property tax cap limitation while continuing to invest in the academic and athletic programming our families demand and the social and emotional support our students need.
With these hires and contract negotiations complete, my focus will be on making sure we continue to invest in the programs all of our students require to develop the talents and emotional well-being needed to succeed in our increasingly competitive world. I will also work to make sure the experiences our students have are similar throughout our schools.
I will also continue to focus on increasing the transparency we provide to our community. This includes simplifying our website to make information more accessible, providing community members access to more information, continuing to meet with community members to listen to their experiences and enhancing our communication efforts overall.
I say all this from the backdrop of a parent who has been involved in our community for many years prior to and during my Board of Education experience. Prior to my election to
the Board of Education, I served 12 years on the United Parent Teacher Council, where I was a member and Chairperson of the Budget Committee, a member of the Legislative Committee, and served on its executive board for 6 years. For 2 years I also served on the Board of Education Financial Advisory Committee.
Elsewhere in the community, I have been a parent leader for youth sports teams and serve currently as a member of the board and finance committee for Temple Beth-El.
I ask that you support my candidacy so that I may continue the work required to enhance and maximize the opportunities provided to all of our students, ensure that the resources required by our teachers are adequately met and provide the oversight necessary so that the school district can thoughtfully and transparently address its financial responsibilities and plans for its future. As a parent with children in our schools and active in our community, I am committed to the success of the Great Neck Public School District.
Respectfully submitted,
Grant Toch