Readers Write: Blakeman’s ‘militia’ poses no threat to public

Readers Write: Blakeman’s ‘militia’ poses no threat to public

The last two issues of the Herald (April 12, April 19) were very interesting.

I suppose the Herald used many barrels of ink blasting County Executive Blakeman and the terrible Republicans.

Mr. Blakeman’s suggestion regarding citizen volunteers in the Sheriff’s Department apparently has caused many citizens to go mad!

Around the State of New York and across the country, it is common for citizens to aid the authorities. Volunteers are selected, trained and supervised by full-time law enforcement professionals.

Many New Yorkers may not know of the New York Guard. It is a militia force of citizens that has existed here since World War I.

There is also a New York Naval Militia.

I suggest that the folks who think this move is something unusual or evil do their homework. They may also worry about being struck by lightning or having a mouse run up their trouser leg! Let me assure them that there is no cause for alarm.


James G. Collins

Floral Park

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