The Community Chest of Port Washington has announced the selection of 28 nonprofit organizations that will receive a total of over $385,000 in 2024.
These funded organizations provide a variety of critical services to Port Washington residents, including ensuring that Port teens get critical mental health counseling, serving hot meals to senior citizens, providing quality childcare for kids, helping needy students excel in school, and supporting programs that feed the hungry and care for the environment.
In 2024, the Community Chest is awarding funding grants for the first time to the “Art Guild” for its program to support art education for children at Littig House; and to “Be the Rainbow,” focused in bringing the Port Washington community together to celebrate LGBTQ+ visibility and pride.
“We selected these deserving organizations for funding based on the continued impact and services they are providing to members of the Port Washington community,” said Michael Cooperman, co-chair of the Community Chest of Port Washington Budget and Allocations Committee. “We are proud to support these organizations, enabling them to provide these much-needed programs to the people of Port.”
The funding from the Community Chest enables local non-profits to provide vital programs such as Littig House Community Center’s tutorial assistance for pre-teens and teens to ensure they remain on-track for middle school promotion and high school graduation.
In addition, the Community Chest funds scholarships for kids to participate in the Port Washington Soccer Club, Port Rowing, PYA, PAL and for childcare at the Childrens Center. Plant a Row for the Hungry which supplies fresh organic produce for community food pantries, grown by Port residents and at garden/farming sites throughout Port Washington is funded by the Chest.
The support from the Community Chest also enables the North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center to provide critical mental health services to Port Washington children and families, and the Port Washington Adult Activities Center to offer activities and daily hot lunches for our Seniors.
“Applicants for funding are carefully reviewed by an experienced group of Port Washington residents who really understand what our community needs,” said Executive Director Robert Keller. “When you donate to the Community Chest, you are assured that your money is benefiting the community in which you live and that our grantee organizations have been thoroughly evaluated.”
To be considered for funding, organizations submit applications, including program narratives, budgets, and evaluation plans. The Community Chest reviews audits, tax returns, board lists and financial statements to ensure funded organizations can deliver on promises. For 2025 Community Chest funding, local non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit proposals no later than March 30th.
The Community Chest is a non-profit organization whose mission is to raise funds for distribution to local charities dedicated to improving the lives of Port Washingtonians. To donate to the Community Chest today, please go to, or for more information, please contact the Community Chest at (516) 767-2121 or visit