Will Larry Penner Ever Criticize the FTA?

Will Larry Penner Ever Criticize the FTA?

Larry Penner’s Bizarre Universe, Harold Interlocking Edition. Yet again Mr. Penner excoriates the MTA and doesn’t lay a glove on the Federal Transit Administration.

In his latest opinion piece Mr. Penner huffs and puffs about yet another round of Harold Interlocking upgrade needed (to give Mr. Penner a little bit of credit he does explain what “Harold Interlocking” and “force account” is.

Yet once again Mr. Penner does not ask tough questions of the FTA.

Who at FTA is responsible for the Harold Interlocking part of the Grand Central Madison project? Was a completed project presented to him/her? How much funding was approved by FTA? Are there electrical/electronics engineers, presumably experts in railroad switches, reviewing the project?

Part of Mr. Penner’s self described curricula vitae is monitoring the projects after grants were approved. Does FTA periodically send inspectors to the field to monitor/oversee project progress? If not why not?

Is FTA providing any grant money for the additional Harold Project? If yes how much? Why did FTA approve something that was supposed to be completed the previous year? What exactly are the further upgrades?

Why does Larry Penner remain silent ion the FTA’s role in approving what in his opinion atre flawed projects? Current federal taxpayers, future federal taxpapers, current riders, future riders, politicans, transit watchdog groups, and readers of this fine publication all deserve answers.

Nat Weiner




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