Democrat Peter Zuckerman has been an effective representative of the Town of North Hempstead’s District 2 since he was appointed in January 2014 after 11 years as a trustee in the Village of East Hills He was elected to a four-year term in 2019.
Before serving on the Town Board, Zuckerman served 11 years as a trustee for the Village of East Hills.
Zuckerman, a real estate lawyer, has taken a lead role in addressing concerns about noise and what residents believe are an excessive number of planes flying across North Hempstead
He recently presented a Town resolution to authorize funding for a flight plan analysis, the first step in presenting potential litigation against the FAA to address air traffic issues that have plagued the Town.
He also touts his work in getting funding for town improvements in his district.
Zuckerman said that in response to calls for increased housing, he along with the rest of the Town Board opposed Gov. Kathy Hochul’s state plan to expand housing on the island.
He said the decision should be up to the local government municipalities.
We are disappointed that he is unwilling to take a more proactive role by considering zoning changes that would promote mixed-use development in the town.
Zuckerman is opposed by Edward Scott, a retired police officer who is now a small business owner, water commissioner and community advocate running on the Republican and Conservative lines
Scott has served as president of the Albertson Square Civic Association since 2012 and commissioner of the Albertson Water District since 2021.
He has run a low-profile campaign with no debate appearances and he turned down an opportunity for a sit-down with Blank Slate Media. This should be a red flag for any voter.
Scott has said that if elected he would focus on cutting taxes, improving infrastructure and addressing quality-of-life issues in the town.
Zuckerman said he also would focus on cutting taxes, something he and fellow Democrats supported last year. He said he is now considering Republican Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena’s proposal for a 10% tax cut.
He also said voters should take DeSena’s claims that under former Democratic Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, who is now running for his old post, taxes rose by 44% during his 10 years in his post “with a grain of salt.” Kaiman has said there is no basis for the claim.
Zuckerman also said the town Building Department remains in need of improvement.
Zuckerman has been a strong representative for his district, making himself available to everyone.
We give our strong endorsement to Peter Zuckerman as Town Council member for the Town of North Hempstead’s Second District.