Forbes names Adelphi among America’s best employers

Forbes names Adelphi among America’s best employers
Adelphi University

Adelphi University is one of just four companies and the only university on Long Island to be named among America’s Best Employers By State for 2023 by Forbes. 

Of the nine universities in New York State to make the list released on Aug. 22,  Adelphi ranks higher than Columbia University, Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Rochester.

To determine which companies made the list, Forbes partnered with market research firm Statista to survey 70,000 workers at companies with a minimum of 500 employees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Participants were asked if they would recommend their employer to others, and to evaluate their employer based on aspects such as working conditions, diversity, compensation packages, potential for development, company image.

Participants also assessed employers beyond their own. All surveys were anonymous to encourage candor. 

“This recognition shines a light on Adelphi’s extraordinary employees–dedicated, talented faculty and staff who comprise a caring, connected community truly dedicated to transforming students’ lives,” said John Siderakis, chief administrative officer. “And our University’s strategic plan, Momentum 2, which was developed in coordination with our entire community under the leadership of President Christine Riordan, guides us in creating a welcoming environment that provides outstanding opportunities for all of our employees.”

Read about Adelphi’s awards and rankings

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