NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS has scheduled a meeting and public hearings for September 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, NY 11576 to consider the following: LACEY AND JASON LAZAR request SEVEN VARIANCES for the property known as 141 TARA DRIVE designated as Section 19 Block 47 Lot 13 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R-1 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-30, Lot Coverage, all buildings, including accessory structures and equipment shall not cover more than 25% of the lot, or 3,882.5 sf for this property. The proposal indicates a total lot coverage of 3,983.0 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 100.5 sf of lot coverage. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-32(B), Yards, aggregate widths of the two side yards shall have a minimum of 40 feet. The proposal indicates a rear roof over porch 22.3 feet from the side property line. The existing opposing side yard is 7.8 feet, providing an aggregate side yard of 30.1 feet. Therefore, a variance is requested for 9.9 feet of aggregate side yard setback. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-32(C), Yards, minimum depth of rear yard is to be 30 feet. The proposal indicates the rear covered patio to be 27.0 feet from the rear property line. Therefore, a variance is requested for 3.0 feet of rear yard setback. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-32, Front Yard Limitations, the R-1 residential district has a front yard height setback ratio of 0.6. The proposal indicates a violation of this code provision for both of the proposed second floor reverse gables. Therefore, a variance is requested for 5 feet 11 inches of front yard height setback ratio for both gables. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-232, Front Yard Limitations, the R-1 residential district has a front yard height setback ratio of 0.6. The proposal indicates a violation of this code provision for the new reverse gable over the existing garage. Therefore, a variance is requested for 11 inches of front yard height setback ratio. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-233, Side Yard Limitations, the R-1 residential district has a side yard height setback ratio of 1.2. The proposal indicates a violation of this code provision on the North side. Therefore, a variance is requested for 1 foot 6 inches of side yard height setback ratio. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-236(D), Exterior Wall Interruptions, at least 10% of each and every exterior wall shall be comprised of fenestration. The proposal indicates a violation of this code provision on the South elevation. Therefore, a variance is requested for the 10% requirement for wall fenestration. CHRISTINE AND DEREK CAVANAUGH request TWO VARIANCES and reconsideration for the property known as 72 CIRCLE LANE designated as Section 7 Block 138 Lot 4 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village. The Zoning Board of Appeals by its decision of August 8, 2022, previously approved an application for a Special Exception for a swimming pool. The amendment application submitted on May 8, 2023 requests changes to the approved location and type of the pool fencing. Therefore, reconsideration by the Board of Appeals is requested. JASON AND SHARI EDELSTEIN request TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 11 WESTWOOD CIRCLE designated as Section 7 Block 207 Lot 1 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-47(A), accessory buildings and structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 15 percent of the rear yard (306 sf for this property). The proposal indicates a total rear yard lot coverage of 392 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 86 sf of rear yard lot coverage. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-41, Lot Coverage, all buildings and structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the area of the lot, or 3,467.25 sf for this property. The proposal indicates a total lot coverage of 3,980 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 512.75 sf of total lot coverage. ESAAK MULLAEV requests TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 85 CHESTNUT DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 249 Lot 45 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-30, Lot Coverage, all buildings, including accessory structures and equipment shall not cover more than 25% of the area of the lot, or 4,725.6 sf for your property. The proposal indicates a total lot coverage of 5,128.25 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 402.65 sf of total lot coverage. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-23A, Accessory buildings and uses, accessory building or structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 20% of the rear yard, or 2,215.26 sf for your property. The proposal indicates a total rear yard lot coverage of 2,795.25 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 580 sf of rear lot coverage. Maps and plans regarding the above applications are available for inspection on the Village’s website at BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS Michael Kosinski, Chairman Dated: August 30, 2023