Meeting: The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kings Point


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kings Point, at a regular meeting held on Thursday July 27, 2023, duly adopted Local Law 9 of 2023, which reads as follows: Local Law 9 of 2023, a local law amending the regulations with regard to retaining walls and fences, which reads as follows: Section 1.  Subsection A, of ß 161-36,  Retaining walls, of Chapter 161, Zoning, of the Code of the Village of Kings Point is hereby amended by adding a new subdivision 3, to read as follows: ì(3)  A compilation of stones, minerals, or similar materials in excess of four feet in height.î Section 2.  Subdivision 2 of subsection D, of said ß 161-36, is hereby amended, to read as follows: ì(2)   When there is more than one retaining wall within 35 feet of a property line, no other retaining wall or fence within that thirty-five-foot distance shall have a top elevation greater than eight feet above the elevation of the bottom of the lowest retaining wall.î Section 3.  Subdivision 2 of subsection H, of said ß 161-36, is hereby amended, to read as follows: ì(2)  A combined height of all retaining walls and fences within 35 feet of a property line in excess of eight feet, but not in excess of 10 feet above the elevation of the bottom of the lowest retaining wall, so long as the view of the retaining walls will not adversely impact the adjacent neighbors or the public from a public street.î Section 4.  Said ß 161-36, is hereby further amended by adding a new subsection I, to read as follows: ìI. No retaining wall may be constructed that would change the grade in violation of section 100-2 of this Code.î Section 5.  Effective date.  This local law shall take effect immediately.  Dated: Kings Point, New York  BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES  July 31, 2023  VILLAGE OF KINGS POINT Gomie Persaud, Village Clerk-Treasurer


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