Roslyn Water District cuts ribbon on new advanced oxidation process treatment system

Roslyn Water District cuts ribbon on new advanced oxidation process treatment system
Roslyn Water District officials were joined by the family of Peter Fishbein and numerous elected officials in cutting the ribbon to celebrate the opening of its new Advanced Oxidation Process treatment system at the RWD’s Pump Station #8 treatment plant.

The Roslyn Water District recently celebrated the opening of its new Advanced Oxidation Process at its Pump Station #8 treatment plant in Roslyn Estates.

RWD Chairman Michael Kosinski, fellow Commissioners Willian Costigan and Dr. Sanford Klein, Superintendent Richard Passariello and members of district staff were joined by a number of elected officials to cut the ribbon on this new important piece of the district’s infrastructure.

The plant comes equipped with an Advanced Oxidation Process system and multiple Granular Activated Carbon filters which will treat emerging contaminants in water after it is pumped from the sole-source aquifer so it can be effectively distributed to residents.

“Delivering high-quality drinking water to our residents is at the center of everything we do at the Roslyn Water District, and our infrastructure is the heart of our operations,” said Kosinski. “This new treatment system provides yet another valuable resource for our community. We are committed to continue improving our infrastructure and we are looking forward to watching this plant serve our residents for years to come.”

While the opening of additional infrastructure is always an occasion worth celebrating in the RWD, this ribbon cutting signified a truly special addition to the community.

The treatment system has been dedicated to Peter Fishbein, who served as the RWD’s district counsel for 10 years before his untimely passing in 2022. Fishbein served the RWD community with distinction and steadfast professionalism during his tenure, and many of the district’s recent improvements may not have been possible without his help and guidance.

The RWD is proud to immortalize his name within the community about which he cared so deeply, and officials were honored to have Fishbein’s family in attendance to celebrate the ribbon cutting with them.

Joining the RWD in the ribbon cutting were Nassau County Legislator Mazi Melesa Pilip, Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Town of North Hempstead Councilmembers Veronica Lurvey and Peter Zuckerman, Village of Roslyn Estates Mayor Paul Peters, Village of Flower Hill Mayor Randall Rosenbaum and a representative from the office of state Sen. Jack Martins.

The RWD thanks them for their constant support and advocacy, which have helped make this project, and many others like it, a reality for its residents.

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