Williston Park Library news

Williston Park Library news

From the Director

Summer Reading 2023 is fast approaching.  The kickoff celebration will be on Saturday, June 24 in the parking lot. There will be a DJ and ice cream truck for everyone to enjoy.  Registration for all programs will begin on this day.

Are you new to Williston Park?  Don’t forget to apply for a library card.  Just bring proof of residence in the village such as an updated driver’s license, credit card statement or any bill sent by the Village. Staff will be happy to help you.

Just a friendly reminder for parents/caregivers–please supervise the children in your care, and don’t allow them to climb on library furniture and/or shelving. It poses a safety hazard, and we don’t want to see anyone getting hurt. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you’ve borrowed a museum pass, we ask that it be returned in the library by 10 a.m. on the due date to ensure timely pick up for the next patron on the waiting list.  If you wish to return the pass prior to the due date and the library is closed, please put in the book drop.  We appreciate your cooperation.

New titles added to the collection:

Fever in the Heartland:  The KKK’s Plot to Take Over America & the Woman Who Stopped Them—Timothy Egan

Dark Angel—John Sandford

Only the Beautiful—Susan Meissner

Seaside Library—Brenda Novak

Golden Doves—Martha Hall Kelly

Unscripted:  The Epic Battle for a Media Empire & the Redstone Family Legacy—James B. Stewart

Commitment—Mona Simpson

Wager:  A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny & Murder—David Grann

Things I Wish I Told My Mother—Susan Patterson

Above Ground:  Poems—Clint Smith

Last Heir to Blackwood Library—Hester Fox

Adult Programs

Patriotic Mason Jar Craft—Tuesday—May 23—6 p.m. in the library.  $15 material fee.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Book Discussion–Wednesday—June 14—7 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Village Hall and via Zoom.  Copies of Fifty Words for Rain will be available at the Circulation Desk.  https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/j/96885670102?pwd=VGtSYnkyUW9acVJyV0tyNUtUZnMyZz09

Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102

Passcode: WPBookClub

Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above.

Children’s Programs

Story Time for Tots—Tuesdays—May 23 & 30—11-11:45 a.m. in the library for children ages 1-4 with a parent or caregiver. Call the library (742-1820), email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or ask at the Circulation Desk to register.  Maximum of 15 children.  No walk-ins!

Father’s Day Mug—Friday—June 9—4-5 p.m. in the Library for children ages 5+.  Per the vendor, limited to 20 participants.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

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