Glen Head second graders celebrate the Fairy Tale Ball

Glen Head second graders celebrate the Fairy Tale Ball
Second grade students at Glen Head Elementary celebrating the Fairy Tale Ball. (Photo courtesy of the North Shore School District)

Second graders in Heather Healy and Antoinette Ivins’ class at Glen Head School celebrated a Fairy Tale Ball on April 28.

This enchanting interdisciplinary event culminated months of literary studies in folk and fairy tales as part of the English curriculum. It also combined many lessons in art and music.

As part of the English curriculum under the Common Core, the second graders focused on story elements including settings, famous fairy tale lines and characterization. Prior to the celebration, they were taught all about acrostic poems, character traits, repeating words and happy endings.

Parents, families and friends were invited to the magical Fairy Tale Ball where their children dressed up as characters in literature to become part of their favorite fairy tales including Cinderella, Goldilocks and The Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs and Jack and the Beanstalk.

During the celebration, the students read their creative stories and fairy tales to their families, showed them their fairy tale character posters and sang fun songs.

In art class, students created character posters relating to folk and fairy tale stories which were displayed for everyone to see. They included portraits, acrostic poems and character traits.

Bravo to Healy, Ivins and all of the teachers who helped the second graders not only learn the wonders of fairy tales but also engaged all of the parents and family members in attendance to a captivating Fairy Tale Ball celebration.

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