New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District’s Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jim Svendsen has been chosen as the 2023 recipient of the Leadership and Support Award by the School Administrators Association of New York State. The award was established to recognize the leadership efforts of SAANYS members, whose responsibilities require leadership through support services to educators and students across and between school buildings and districts.
His leadership and support accomplishments have included co-authoring the Annual Professional Performance Review Plan, implementing a Fact Fluency Plan using FASTT Math and Fraction Nation for grades 2-6 and implementing a writing workshop for K-6 to support Common Core Learning Standards. He also coordinates all district professional development, which includes superintendent’s conference days, monthly two-hour professional development sessions, new teacher orientations, Model Schools technology integration professional development, and other new programs as he sees a need.
Svendsen has held a leadership role in the district for over 20 years, beginning as principal of Garden City Park School prior to his role as director of curriculum, instruction and technology, which then evolved into his current position.
The award winners will be recognized at SAANYS’ annual awards celebration, taking place at the Crown Plaza Albany – Desmond Hotel on May 5.