Macari, Galati seek re-election unopposed in North Shore BOE race

Macari, Galati seek re-election unopposed in North Shore BOE race
The North Shore School District is hosting an election on May 16 where district residents can vote on two members for the board of education and the district's budget. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

North Shore School District Board of Education Vice President Andrea Macari and Trustee Rich Galati are running for re-election unopposed.

The North Shore School District will be hosting an election May 16 for two seats on the Board of Education and for the school’s budget. Candidate filings for school board positions were due April 17.

School board member responsibilities include developing the school’s budget, creating strategic partnerships with community stakeholders, hiring and evaluating the superintendent, setting the direction of the school district and supporting a healthy school district culture, according to the New York State School Boards Association.

Candidates must have lived in the district for at least one year, ​​be a U.S. citizen and be at least 18 years old. Candidates cannot be employed by the board or live in the same household with a family member who is also a member, according to the association.

​​The North Shore Board of Education has seven members, including President Dave Ludmar and Vice President Macari. Board members serve three-year terms.

Efforts to contact Macari and Galati for comment were unavailing.

District residents can vote from 7 a.m.-10 p.m. May 16 in the North Shore High School gym. Absentee ballots must be received by the district clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the election.

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