PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Election of the Village of Port Washington North will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 and the polling place shall be 3 Pleasant Avenue, Port Washington, New York 11050, and said polling place shall be opened at 12:00 noon of said day and shall close at 9:00 in the evening of said day, and that office to filled, the terms thereof, and the names and addresses of persons duly nominated for said offices are as follows: Office: MayorTerm: Two (2) YearsNominee: Robert WeitznerAddress: 157 Soundview Drive, Port Washington, New York Office: TrusteeTerm: Two (2) YearsNominee: Matthew KepkeAddress: 68 Soundview Drive, Port Washington, New York Office: TrusteeTerm: Two (2) YearsNominee: Andrea ScheffAddress: 166 Pond View Drive, Port Washington, New York Dated: †March 6, 2023, Port Washington, New YorkBy order of the Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF PORT WASHINGTON NORTHPalma Torrisi, Village Clerk VILLA DE PORT WASHINGTON NORTH ELECCION DE LA VILLA†21 DE MARZO DE 2023 SE NOTIFICA que la eleccion annual de la villa correspondiente a la Villa de Port Washington North se realizara en Port Washington North Village Hall, 3 Pleasant Avenue, Port Washington, New York 11050, el martes 21 de marzo de 2023, entre las 12:00 del mediodia y las 9:00 p.m. †Los siguientes son los nombres y las direcciones de aquellos que han sido debidamente nominados, asi como los cargos para los que sido nominados: Cargo: AlcaldePeriodo: Dos (2) anosNominado: Robert WeitzerAddress: 157 Soundview Drive, Port Washington, New York Cargo: FideicomisarioPeriodo: Dos (2) anosNominado: Matthew KepkeAddress: 68 Soundview Drive, Port Washington, New York Cargo: FideicomisarioPeriodo: Dos (2) anosNominado: Andrea ScheffAddress: 166 Pond View Drive, Port Washington, New York Fecha: †6 de marzo de 2023, Port Washington, New YorkPor Orden de la Junta de FideicomisariosVILLA DE PORT WASHINGTON NORTHPalma Torrisi, Secretario de la ciudad