New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District students in grades K-6 are celebrating diversity and learning about different countries in the Around the World library unit.
The unit, which is taking place over the course of three weeks, allows students to explore the foundations of research, engineering skills with building materials, coding and technology with Sphero.
Librarians Natalie Hartmann and Sharon Layburn collaborated to create the districtwide Around the World activities. There are six stations for the students to explore, including Read About a Different Country, Take a Virtual Field Trip, Collaborate to Build a Famous Landmark with Keva Planks or Magna Tiles, Explore Cultural Music, Explore a New Country on Pebble Go! and Take Your Sphero on a Tour of the World. Students fill out their passports after completing each station.
This library unit aligns with the district’s goal of “Continuing to integrate inclusive and culturally competent practices to promote a districtwide culture of belonging.”