Sewanhaka High School’s Virtual Enterprise students attended the 2023 Long Island Regional Conference and Exhibition trade show at Long Island University on Jan. 10. VE is a business class where juniors and seniors work together to create a virtual business from scratch. They brainstorm business ideas, decide on a business model and interview for positions within the company. Then, the students are put into departments and begin working on tasks to get their business up and running.
Sewanhaka VE students’ simulated company is Peer2Peer, a tutoring business where students tutor other students. They hire students as tutors who provide the proper help at a reasonable price. These student tutors earn tips, community service hours and leadership skills.
At the trade show, the students created a booth where they marketed and sold their student tutoring packages to other firms. Peer2Peer had $70K in virtual sales, competed in business competitions and won silver in the website competition.