Readers Write: Special election needed to clean CD3 stain

Readers Write: Special election needed to clean CD3 stain

Reading day after day, by both Democrats and Republicans, of this disgraceful expose of the criminality of George Santos, I am astounded that he has not been censured or more deservedly indicted for these acts of deceit, and flagrant violations of what morality and honesty stands for.

Not only did he openly admit to these frauds, but bragged about getting away with them. It is sorrowful enough admission, that these lies did not surface during his campaigning, but even more tragic is how his own party is not rejecting his legitimacy of representation.

How can any of his supporters look at themselves in the mirror, every day, and consider themselves honest.

From his bald-faced lies regarding his schooling, and business dealings, to his deception of his Jewish Identification, being a devout Catholic, he swayed the orthodox community into believing his falsehoods.

I could go on and on, regarding his illegitimacy, but the truly biggest travesty is that the most respected and qualified candidate that he defeated, Robert Zimmerman, was the victim of these disingenuous sins.

What a true loss to the 3rd Congressional District.

To some degree, my faith would be restored, if by some means, a special election would be enacted, when dirty politics were set aside, and concern for the community took precedence. But then again perhaps I am a dreamer!

Bruce Funk

Great Neck

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