The most recently announced additional delays associated with the LIRR $734 million procurement of 202 new M9 electric replacement cars contract originally awarded in 2013 is nothing new. When has there ever been any MTA LIRR, Metro North or NYC Transit Federal Transit Administration or locally funded commuter rail or subway car procurement ever completed on time, within budget and without contract change orders?
Ongoing problems with this purchase have continued for years. In 2020, the MTA’s own independent engineering consultant forecast an October 2022 completion date. The LIRR was more optimistic about meeting an earlier date. Over time, both were proven wrong.
The LIRR now promises that all of the 202 cars will be delivered by September 2023. This new 17-month delay on top of the previous delays will result in completion for all deliveries three years later than promised. Who can guarantee that the vendor will meet this latest project recovery schedule’s September 2023 date?
The oldest M3 cars scheduled to be replaced will continue in service far longer than planned before all new cars arrive and are ready for commuters to board. As a result, the LIRR will incur additional maintenance and operating costs, keeping this outdated equipment beyond its intended useful service life.
Instead of being retired, too many M3 cars will continue operating beyond the opening of East Side Access to Grand Central Madison in December 2022, one additional year to December 2023. When it comes to this project, the LIRR 1960s motto “Line of the Dashing Dan” in 2022 should be changed to “Line of the Slow Moving Sloth.” .
Larry Penner
Great Neck
(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office.