Donald Trump supporters believed his catchy word slogan, “MAGA” for “Make America Great Again,” but just look around and what do you see? There’s not greatness. There’s HATE. Yes! H-A-T-E. Not G-R-E-A-T.
Look at what hate has caused recently in cities like Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, NY.
HATE. That was the real intention of what Trump wanted to do. To spread it around. He really didn’t give a damn about MAGA … M-A-G-A. Like him, it was FAKE. F-A-K-E.
What he really meant was MAHA. – M-A-H-A. “MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN.”
You don’t have to be a genius to see what Trump has done. He has turned American against American. MAHA. Not MAGA. Alongside 9/11, he’s now given us Jan. 6. Hate! Hate! Hate! And he loved every minute of doing it.
America is not supposed to be “The Land of Hate.” This is what Donald Trump has brought upon us. We must stop “Make America Hate Again.” This is not what America stands for. It’s what Donald Trump stands for.
Trump and his supporters, especially those in Congress, are in the process of destroying America and our democracy. His supporters in Congress all roll over like little obedient puppy dogs and obey their “great” leader’s commands. It’s time we also roll all of his rabid dogs in Congress out of office. We don’t need Trump and his followers who encourage and advocate hate.
We need leaders who will lead our country, to become great again. We need great Not hate. Let’s really make America great again and give Trump what he really wants: another term, but in jail. J-A-I-L. Without bail. That should be one part of the Democrats’ game plan.
Alvin Goldberg,
Great Neck