NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Village Clerk of the Village of Kings Point



SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Village Clerk of the Village of Kings Point at the office of the Village Clerk located at Village Hall, 32 Steppingstone Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024 until 11:00 AM (prevailing time) on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as practical for: BID:022 Roadway Improvements

Kings Point, NY††Instruction to bidders, plans and specifications, proposal sheets and form of contract may be seen or procured at the Village Hall, 32 Steppingstone Lane, Kings Point, NY 11024 beginning January 28, 2022 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.† There will be a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 in the form of a business check payable to the Village of Kings Point for the bid package.† The terms of the return of such deposit are set forth in General Municipal Law ß102.† Split Rock Drive Improvements must be clearly marked at the lower corner of the bid envelope.††Each proposal must be accompanied by either a certified check on a solvent bank or trust company, doing business in New York or an acceptable Bid Bond in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid, made payable to the Village of Kings Point as assurance that the Contract will be executed if awarded to such bidder.† ††The Contractor will be required to complete the form of ìEvidence of Successful Completion of Similar Projectsî included in the proposal.† The Contractor will be required to comply with the Labor Laws of the State of New York.†††Public liability and property damage insurance and performance and payment bond will be required.††The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract for the performance of the work that may be awarded to said bidder for the total amount of the awarded contract price.††Each Bidder must indicate how much of the contract will be completed by the Bidder themselves and how much by subcontractors.† To the maximum extent permitted by law, a bid may be rejected in the interest of the Village based on the extent of proposed delegation of the performance of the contract to subcontractors or based on the level of qualification and experience of the proposed subcontractors. ††The Village encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate.††NOTE:†††††† The Village will not reimburse any firms for any costs associated with the preparation of this bid proposal.†††By Order of the Board of Trustees†Village of Kings Point†Gomie Persaud†Village Clerk/Treasurer†Dated:† January 24, 2022††


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