Thanks to Eden Janfar for the letter “Adopting IHRA’s definition of antisemitism” (Nov 12, 2021).
In the letter, Janfar mentions several universities that insist on demonizing and delegitimizing Israel and the Jewish people in addition to Jewish students on campus in the fashion of pre-Nazi Germany.
I would boycott those universities: Binghamton University, Eastern Michigan University, Columbia University. Oddly enough Brandeis University, named for the first Jewish Supreme Court justice, and NYU, where many Jews were educated, are also on the list.
So is Northwestern University, which actually has a Holocaust denier on the faculty, Arthur Butz, the author of “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century,” and the University of California Irvine, which has a faculty member who has stated “Zionism politically toxified our schools” and where a Jewish woman was forced to hide from anti-Israel activists.
The University of California has generally been among the worst in terms of unabashed antisemitism and hatred of Israel and the UCLA student government passed a resolution calling for divestment from Israel.
These schools have a right to employ Holocaust deniers, antisemites, and Israel de-legitimizers. I wouldn’t give them a dime and neither should anyone who cares about the safety of the Jewish people and the security of the state of Israel.
Leslie Feldman
Great Neck