Readers Write: The common good

Readers Write: The common good

In the immediate aftermath of The Pearl Harbor sneak attack, West Coast states imposed mandatory black-out periods to discourage Japanese bombers.

We were at war, our young men were dying, and Americans at home rose to the occasion. In 1941, the inconvenience of “lights out” seemed insignificant for the sake of our country. Fast forward 80 years. Our country is at war with an enemy that has killed 50% more Americans than all those lost during the war, over 600,000 have officially died of Covid compared to 400,000 wartime casualties.

Despite having the ability to control our losses, American casualties are rising. Vaccinations have medical implications but is simply wearing a mask too much to ask?

Apparently, it is. Why?

Americans have lost the ability to work for a “common good.” An individual’s need to exhibit his constitutional “freedom,” seems to “Trump” science, intellect, rational thinking, and any concern for our fellow countrymen regardless of the severity of the situation. Not quite what they teach you in church.

Our people have been fragmented by prejudice, religious differences and mostly political affiliation. Remember: Our elected officials have one purpose in life, to perpetuate and further their own political careers.

Splitting the factions into warring groups serves them well. in that quest. The future of America for our children is secondary to them. Few have ever sacrificed anything, served in the armed forces, and most are wealthy.

Those who aren’t will be before leaving office…if they ever do! I have no grandchildren, but I apologize to their generation. America’s future is Bleak!

Dr. Gary Bravstein


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