Readers Write: David Kirsch offers outstanding legal background

Readers Write: David Kirsch offers outstanding legal background

I have personally known David Kirsch for well over 15 years, most notably as an adversary, a colleague and as co-counsel at trials in various counties of the New York City Metropolitan area.

His dedication to the law, the rights of all parties involved, including victims, as well as to balancing justice with “the right thing to do,” has made him a great trial attorney, as well as a great judge of character.

He’s not running like a politician seeking the next step in his career.  The law is his career!

He is a dedicated family man, who’s daughters, wife, brothers, parents, friends all look to him when they have issues and how to best handle them.

He’s not about locking up people accused of minor infractions of the law.  He is about helping that person.

One famous person said, “look to how a society judges and treats its worst rather than how a society treats its best in order to judge that society.”

David lives by that standard.

As a candidate for local village justice in the town that he lives in (and brags about a lot), that community would be beyond impressed with his enthusiasm, but more importantly, his balancing of the law and compassion.

Paul London

Attorney at Law

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