Happening at the Great Neck Library

Happening at the Great Neck Library

Hours for all four Great Neck Library locations are Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. All services are by appointment only. Curbside Pickup has the same expanded hours. All returned items are quarantined for 4 days, then checked in without overdue charges.
For the safety of everyone, all patrons two years of age and older must wear face masks in the buildings.
Please check the Library website at greatnecklibrary.org or call 466-8055 for any updates.

Online Programs are held live on Zoom unless specified. Open to all. No Zoom account required. You may join Zoom events by going to join.zoom.us, and enter the program’s Meeting ID and Password. You can also dial in at 1 (646) 558-8656 or find your local number at zoom.us/zoomconference. For certain events that require registration, any further meeting info will be released by the date of the event for registered users. Check your email before joining the event.

Saturday, January 9

8:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Among Us
Teens in grades 7+
Play as a group, find the imposter.

Tuesday, January 12

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Yoga Flow facilitated by Carolyn Carpentiere
Join us Online through Zoom – Series Open to All
Learn yoga postures, breathing practices and meditation techniques to bring balance, equilibrium and good health to your body and mind.
Meeting ID: 849 1390 1791 Password: 781668

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Mac Help Center
Tuesdays, January 12 and 26; February 9 and 23
Whether you’ve recently switched from Windows to Mac or are a more seasoned user looking to refresh your skills, join us on Tuesdays, twice a month, to discuss any and all Mac-related questions. Each session will focus on a different topic, but we’ll talk about any questions or problems you might have.
Meeting ID: 931 8352 4577 Passcode: MacHelp

2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
A Visit to The Barnes Foundation presented by Vivian Gordon
This illustrated talk will show highlights from the daring, and very personal art collection assembled by Dr. Albert C. Barnes in the first half of the last century.
Meeting ID: 846 6226 6168 Passcode: 318394

4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Jr. Levels: Table Games
5th and 6th graders only
Board Game Arena is an online tabletop platform that contains a catalogue of digital board games for members, with various digital games for free.

Wednesday, January 13

10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Ebay 101: How to Buy and Sell
Seniors, Adults, and Parents
Learn the basics of Ebay.com, a world online marketplace. We will go over how to set up an account, navigate, bidding, buy it now and make an offer options, for purchase, and how to begin to sell your items on Ebay. Also some tips and tricks as well on both the buying and selling end.
Meeting ID: 985 4587 1391 Passcode: Sell!

10:00 AM – 5:30 p.m.
Make Your Dream Come True Day
Stop by the Parkville Branch to share your dreams on a fun cutout from our Cricut machine. We will display these in the window of the Children’s Room.

12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Community Meditation – 30 Minute Midday Reset facilitated by Carolyn Carpentiere
Join us for a midday 30 minute meditation to help relax and reset your mind and body. Take a moment to be still and be guided into a state of calmness, clarity and relaxation. This age-old practice has been proven to help relieve stress and stress related illnesses including psychological balance, blood pressure, and physical pain.
Meeting ID: 894 6986 5666 Passcode: 323266

3:30 – 4:15 p.m.
Sticks in the Stacks
Join Mina and Jamie for social stitching time on Wednesdays.  Learn the basics of knitting and crocheting, brush up on what you already know and help us crochet and knit for a cause.
Meeting ID: 989 9496 9220 Passcode: sticks

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Excelling in Your Advanced Placement Courses
A C2 Education Specialist will give teens and parents an overview of AP classes and exams, discuss the recent and future changes to the tests, and the value of taking the classes and the exams.  We will also discuss strategies for excelling on these tests and answer your questions.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Creative Writing
Teens in grades 7+
Write and share short stories and poems.

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Finance Committee Meeting Via Webex
Meeting number: 175 919 7017                      Password: JwkXt3mch53 (59598362 from phones)
Join by phone +1-650-215-5226 United States Toll

Thursday, January 14

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
On Health and Wellness: Resilience led by librarian Mimi Rabizadeh
Improving overall well-being through cultivating courage, perseverance, and passionate persistence.
Meeting ID: 810 7622 5703 Passcode: 781428

4:00 – 4:45 p.m.
Join PlayHooray and Molly Mouse for their special family music and movement programs. Sessions are designed for children from birth through age 6 years.  childrens@greatnecklibrary.org

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Community Service Project
For teens in grades 7+
Create a virtual performance for the elderly. This includes song, dance, scenes, poems, short stories, and more.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Teens in grades 7+
Learn chords, melodies, and songs with us.

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Yoga Flow facilitated by Sharon Epstein
Join Us ONLINE – Series open to All
Learn yoga postures, breathing practices and meditation techniques to bring balance, equilibrium and good health to your body and mind.
Meeting ID: 848 1488 0463 Password: 462824

8:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Levels Online Theatre presents Sheamus’s Tragedy
The Levels Teen Center has moved our theatre performances online!  Sheamus’s Tragedy, an original comedy written and directed by Britt Trachtenberg, will be performed LIVE by teen actors in their homes, and live-streamed to audiences at home, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 14, 15 and 16 at 8:00 p.m.
Sheamus’s Tragedy concerns teenagers Adam and Michelle Scott, who tell a series of lies to explain their mother’s absence to their father Sheamus after he gets home from a long day of work.  When their lies are proven false, they are left with nothing else to tell but the truth — which Sheamus also finds unbelievable.  So the teens must resort to lying once more…to get their father to believe the truth.  The cast includes Gabby Henderson, Leah Schader, Jonathan Wu, Ben Zar and Nina Zar.  Running time is approx. 45 minutes.
Virtual admission is free.  The links to watch this LIVE production online will become available on the week of the show.  Please register below if you want to be emailed the links.  Those links will also be available on our website at www.greatnecklibrary.org/levels-is.

Friday, January 15

11:30 AM – 12:30 p.m.
Bilingual Storytime
Join us for songs, stories, and activities in both English and Spanish.  Whether you are a native speaker, a super beginner, or somewhere in between – you and your child can follow along in this fun online storytime.

12:00 p.m.
Friday Film Discussion
In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
King: Man of Peace in a Time of War (2007) 1 hr., Documentary, Biography
A salute to a man who remains an inspiration and a force for social change nearly forty years after his untimely death at the age of 39.
Watch King: Man of Peace in a Time of War at your leisure. Join the media staff and fellow patrons in a Zoom discussion of the film.
Streaming free with your Great Neck Library card on Hoopla, Amazon Prime with subscription, and with ads on Tubi.
Meeting ID: 623 987 3994 Passcode: films

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Jr. Levels Pokemon Fusion Drawing
5th and 6th grades only
Grab your art supplies and create your own Pokemon hybrid.

7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Jr. Levels Scholars
5th and 6th graders only
Join us for this interdisciplinary class on science, history, culture, and more. Virtual classes will meet over Zoom on Fridays.
Levels  (516) 466-8055 ext. 216  levels@greatnecklibrary.org

8:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Levels Online Theatre presents Sheamus’s Tragedy
(See Thursday, January 14 at 8:00 p.m.)

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